Grow Better

How Tiny Actions Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Written by Diana Z. | Jan 13, 2023 5:58:35 AM


Acknowledge yourself for these actions because these tiny actions are little seeds you're planting -- you will be able to harvest them one day soon. You may not see something sprouting on the surface, but trust little roots are growing. Keep nourishing these seeds and planting more... your day is coming. 

I'm not working, but I want to make six figures. Can this be done? Our inner laziness can at times be our worst enemy. Even if our brain is constantly thinking and can come up with ideas every second, minute, or hour, we are still doing nothing. – We had no idea that every time we thought it was a small seed that you were already planting. The more you think, the closer you go to what we used to refer to as "the best of life." As you think more, you become more aware of what is best for you. It may sound absurd, but it is true! You are only tending to a seed that has already been planted; the rest is up to you. 

Don't Let Fear Hold You Back from Making a Move 

We are constantly reluctant to take action in life especially if our self-esteem is quite low. We simply want to remain in and play video games, watch movies all the time, etc. We don't want to start planning for the future. However, DON'T BE AFRAID to display your talents to the world. More than what you may realize, the world needs you. Develop your courage and face your anxieties. If speaking with others makes you nervous, try speaking to yourself in the mirror. Undoubtedly, that seed will grow slowly. 

One goal at a time 

Choose attainable goals that fit your personality, skills, and way of life. Never work toward a goal merely because you "feel" compelled to. You cannot hold dual mastery. Make a checklist of your objectives and outline them if necessary. You need to have a strategy in place for how you're going to accomplish your goals; don't rush things because you're looking to save money; instead, be committed to seeing them through one step at a time. 

Actions are preferable to words 

Stop putting things off! It's 2023; you should aim for your objectives as soon as you can and then enjoy life. Say you're in your 30s but you're still hesitant to step outside of your comfort zone. You keep telling yourself, "I'll do it later," but when will that be? Right? Don't be frightened; start moving and planting for your future.