Grow Better

The concept of work security does not exist.

Written by Diana Z. | Jan 12, 2023 1:11:44 PM


The only form of job security is learning how to trust yourself and learning the job search skills that will help you land on your feet no matter what external circumstances happen (recession, layoff, moving across the country, etc.).

So don't be scared to take a risk or a leap -- you'll land on your feet no matter what.

Work security is a term that has been around for many decades, referring to the idea that once you secure a job, you will be able to keep it for a long time. However, in recent years, this concept has become increasingly questionable as the job market has changed dramatically. The reality of today's job market is that work security does not exist, and it's time for people to understand this and adapt their approach to their careers.

There is no assurance that you will work in this field. Your ability to obtain work is influenced by a variety of circumstances, including the crowded job market with millions of applicants vying for a small number of openings.


A college degree or a trade certificate is no longer sufficient for survival; you need much more. You must have not only the necessary abilities and expertise but also the proper attitude and mindset.

The traditional idea of work security was based on the assumption that once you were hired for a job, you could expect to work there for many years, or even for the rest of your life. This was especially true in industries such as manufacturing, where workers could expect to work in the same factory for their entire careers. However, this is no longer the case, and the job market has changed dramatically in recent years.

One of the main reasons why work security no longer exists is due to advances in technology and automation. Automation has replaced many jobs that were once considered to be secure, and this trend is only going to continue. Companies are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs, and automation is often seen as the answer. As a result, jobs that were once considered to be secure are now at risk of being lost to automation.

Another reason why work security no longer exists is due to the changing nature of work itself. The gig economy has taken off in recent years, and more and more people are working as freelancers or contractors rather than as full-time employees. This type of work provides greater flexibility, but it also means that there is no job security. Freelancers and contractors can be hired and fired at any time, and they have no guarantee of work in the future.

The reality of the job market today is that work security does not exist. People need to adapt their approach to their careers and start thinking about work as a journey rather than a destination. This means being open to new opportunities, being flexible, and continuously upskilling and reskilling to stay relevant in a rapidly changing job market.


In conclusion, the concept of work security is no longer relevant in today's job market. The reality is that work security does not exist, and people need to adapt their approach to their careers accordingly. By being open to new opportunities, being flexible, and continuously upskilling and reskilling, people can thrive in a rapidly changing job market and build successful careers for themselves.