Grow Better

Why You Should Stop Obsessing Over Your Resume and Cover Letter

Written by Diana Z. | Jan 13, 2023 5:41:49 AM

If you're obsessing over your resume and cover letter for the umpteenth time 

Stop. Understand recruiting is subjective -- one recruiter will move you forward, and another will toss your resume into the bin. Create a strong foundation, update your resume with up to 10 minutes of customizing for a job -- set a timer -- and submit it. Your time is better spent on having conversations (following up on applications, sending solution messages, etc.). Trust it's good enough for a conversation. 

If you really want to be considered for the job but internally battle whether you can do the job. Apply anyway. Follow up. Show up. Detach. Let the interviewer decide if you're the candidate who can grow into the role. 

You don't need to meet 100% of the job description requirements - many employers will give you a chance if they can see potential + cultural fit. It's not your job to predict which jobs want you -- it's your job to open yourself up to the possibility. 

So, here are some tips on How to Create a strong Foundation for Your Success: 

1. Time management 

Time is very important in doing everything. It should not take much long to create or update your resume or cover letter information. You don’t have to put excessive design to look your resume outstanding. Simplicity is the best – keep it short and simple, highlights your great achievements so far in your career. Search for a template to help you easily built your resume and cover letter. After that, focus on researching about the company and the position you are applying for. Also, don’t forget to spend ample time in practicing. Soliloquy – this is very effective; I answered questions that I’d ask myself and it works. Sounds crazy – but practice makes perfect. This can be effective for me and for others, but not for everyone. So, learn how to manage your time. Don’t spend too much with a certain thing that won’t help your grow. Focus and target the necessary things you must learn. 

2. Perseverance 

If you failed on your first, try? Get up and re-evaluate. Where did you go wrong? Write those things that you think you are not satisfied with during the interview. Reflect on the things which you can do more if you had done too in the first try but it was not enough. Always remember your dream, will bring out the best in you. This will help you grow your confidence in another level. The people who strive harder are the people who will reach the goal first. There’s a lot of company waiting for your resume, so keep trying and never stops until you get your ultimate goal. 

3. Clarity 

Do not let anything block your goals, plans, and dreams in life. If paths are clear, it helps you let go of things that could otherwise prevent you from becoming the "perfect" version of yourself.   


Keep these 3 things in mind and surely your one step a way towards your dreams.